Monday, May 5, 2014

Star Wars de Mayo

Holidays are made up anyway so I don't know why this one should mean anything to me but I don't celebrate "Star Wars Day." Not on May the 4th anyway. "STAR WARS" came out on May 25, 1977 so I celebrate on that day. At least I did up until 7 years ago.

On May 25, 2007 my friend Blake and I decided we would watch ALL SIX MOVIES in one day. Not in one sitting because this was back when I smoked pot so we had to take a burrito break between trilogies. But regardless, we watched all six in one day.

This was an all-around terrible decision. Not only did it further entrench our displeasure with the so-called prequel trilogy but it really made watching the original trilogy a chore. After 7 and half hours of awful shit we weren't able to slip into that nostalgic pleasure that is brought on by watching those movies. It was a mind-numbing, brutal experience and I haven't watched a "STAR WARS" movie since then. Why would I? Even if I could I wouldn't be able to watch the original trilogy on Blu-ray so it means that I have to except an inferior experience no matter what.

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