Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Give Obama a Break

About 16 months ago I published a blog regarding a report that stated that President Obama made more biblical and Jesus references in a year than President Bush did during his entire presidency. If you go back and look at the comments you'll see that a lot of my friends, mostly self-identified liberals, argued that Obama was using religion as a way of reaching out to a part of the electorate and that he didn't really believe in Christianity. In private conversations some even argued that he probably didn't even believe in god.

Conservatives call Obama a Muslim and liberals are calling him an atheist. To me what this boils down to is that they all are calling him a liar and some are okay with it and some aren't. Either way they both argue that he's lying to get votes.

A couple of weeks ago this article came out about the Obamas finding a church home:,8599,1907610,00.html

So he and his family are Christians. Please stop calling the guy a liar. If he were really Muslim he would believe that deception is wrong and wouldn't go to church. If he were really an atheist he would see through the bullshit of religion and would either criticize it or use a different method of arguing his point.

Again, Obama is a fucking Christian. Period. He espouses Christian beliefs. I disagree with a lot of President Obama's ideas including but not limited to his belief in God but I'm not calling the guy a fucking liar. Personally I think his politics are heavily influenced by Christianity and that may be one reason why I disagree with him but I don't think the guy is lying about something as important as his religious beliefs. He is a goddamn, motherfucking Christian. Stop saying he's a liar.