Sunday, July 12, 2009

I am a Hypocrite

from Facebook
originally posted Wednesday, June 10, 2009 at 9:03am
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Check out this news piece entitled "OBAMA INVOKES JESUS MORE THAN BUSH";_ylt=Aj6oWEFDjOXdqJFmgeS.5WCs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTJsbm5uNWc0BGFzc2V0Ay9wb2xpdGljby8yMDA5MDYwOS9wbF9wb2xpdGljby8yMzUxMARwb3MDNQRzZWMDeW5fbW9zdF9wb3B1bGFyBHNsawNvYmFtYWludm9rZXM-

Since I've been obsessed with President Obama's religiosity for a while now I'm not really surprised about this. Admittedly President Bush did take things a little further by saying that God spoke to him but I bet that question hasn't been directly posed to Obama. The nighttime talk radio host on AM1390 said that the "hand of God is on Obama" so I presume at least others believe God speaks to him whether he claims it himself.

First off, I hate Christianity. You hate stuff too, I bet, so please don't treat me like an intolerant fool. You probably hate National Socialism because we're all taught to hate it and with several good reasons why. Between hate speech, anti-individualism, witch burnings, crusades, and Oral Roberts I'd say that Christianity has had more than it's fair share of evil attributed to it's cause. The big difference between Christianity and Nazism in the public eye grows from the fact that people love to hate Hitler but still adore that guy named Jesus.

Let's clear something up quickly. Lots of guys named Jesus existed at the turn of the millennium and it is most likely that there existed a fella who made a name for himself by criticizing politics and religion. Or rather, Paul made a name of him. The Gospels were written decades after Jesus died and the reason that anyone knows his name is because one very vocal, powerful, and literate man fell in love with the guy and wrote letters about him to others. Paul's the asshole who we should all be pissed at. In other words, I could be Jesus but I don't have a PR guy like Paul. Of course, since I am literate and I do write my opinions you know more about me than anyone will ever know about who Jesus was.

My hate doesn't end with Christianity, though. I hate Ghandi too just for this quote alone:
"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."

Christians, just like we evil, depraved atheists, are just normal people which means just like you and I they are concerned, compassionate people. Maybe not as compassionate as you, of course, because who is? But really, no matter how stupid the bullshit is that people believe they generally care about other people anywhere from somewhat to a lot. Jeffrey Dahmer was a Christian who ate people and Stalin was an atheist who committed genocide so maybe a person's theology is not the most important thing when evaluating them as an individual.

I agree that a lot of good did come from Ghandi, even though he was clearly an elitist and he was an extreme racist. But I say I hate him because of what he stands for in people's eyes. He is treated as an enlightened, spiritual, holy person. Some people are more intelligent and some people are more benevolent than myself but I don't think that any of them are holy.

This means the Pope, a yogi, the Dalia Lama, televangelists, psychics, Ayatollahs, and more all suck in my eyes because they have been granted undo power because they claim to have supernatural powers that normal humans don't. Fuck 'em. Fuck 'em sideways. Fuck 'em in their holiest of holes. I don't need to mention any names but that guy who claims to be the 14th something or other says he "prays for peace" which means he's a delusional non-intellectual who doesn't seem to care what the rest of the world goes through.

Which brings me to my hypocrisy. I love Carl Sagan, Harry Houdini, Thomas Jefferson, Richard Dawkins, Charles Darwin, Thomas Paine, Penn & Teller, and many more. I hang on their words almost like they are religious truths. Their words inform my decisions and I feel enriched by learning about their lives. But what separates these men from the aforementioned holy men is that none of them claim to be divine or even divinely sparked. They use their profoundly gifted minds and, at times, bodies to demonstrate the power that a human can achieve. And, perhaps most importantly, because they claim no divine knowledge or guidance they leave wide open a door that those who use religion cannot: fallibility.

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