Thursday, January 21, 2010

Cursed Facebook, Inspid MySpace

The other day I saw that there was a Facebook group for people who "refuse" to pay for Facebook. I wonder if this is that they think Facebook should be free because they think using the service is something they should be entitled to; like their rights would be violated because a private service that they probably use daily to communicate and network with others is somehow guaranteed by the Constitution.

I sure as shootin' don't want to pay to use Facebook but I think that it consolidates a lot of my social networking desires in such a tight package that I would have to pay for it. I'd want better service it there was a fee but I'm sure they have done a lot of cost/benefit analysis regarding the drops in ad revenue and brand value they would experience by requiring paid membership and they will make the best decision possible. For the time being it's free and all I have to do is look at some ads. And I'd like to point out, though, that these advertisements are far superior to the ones I that I used to receive from MySpace. The following is an older blog post from 2007 about an issue I had with MySpace marketing. I don't know if it's any better now because I was only visiting the site to see if one of my older blogs was still posted there and didn't look around too much.

Friday, August 24, 2007
Would Someone Explain to MySpace what ’Demographics’ Are

I'm sure by now, oh MySpace users, that you've noticed that this dear site analyzes your various entries searching for keywords for marketing purposes. For instance, if you have entered 'superheroes' in one of your interest fields (as I have in the past) you will get adds for comic book sellers on your MySpace homepage. Thanks to our good friends at News Corp. and their directed advertising practices if you select 'Atheist' as your 'Religion,' you can expect ads from companies that offer 'God's Promise in His Word' and debate 'Evolution vs. Creation.' Atheist, people. I do not believe in God. Get it? I used to, now I don't. Pretty simple. Perhaps Christian webmasters have never actually met an atheist, but most of us don't want to subscribe to your daily devotional newsletter. Unless we can win an XBOX360.

++UPDATE++I now have 'Sponsored Links' that ask if I am 'Struggling with Lust,' 'Believe in Evolution?' and am 'Puzzled by Christianity.' Is this Christianity saying 'fuck you,'? Well, grow up, Christianity. We're getting tired of your nonsense. You're like a child who wants to keep telling us the details of an unfunny joke.
++And now 'Cool Jesus Christ T Shirt.' Really? Nothing makes a fashion statement like '100% Human 100% Divine Color Black, Long Sleeve'
+++This shit is ridiculous: "Want to Share Your Faith?", "Puzzled by Christianity", etc. It has actually gotten so bad, in my opinion, that I have written MySpace to complain. And I guess I will have to again

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Sex and Freedom: Smiles All Around

Read this article:

The young ladies in this article are heroes. I cannot applaud a person enough for standing up for freedom of speech issues but especially when it is young people fighting against a public school. Debates aside about the best way for a child to be educated I think that any school that receives any sort of government funding must not be allowed to violate the rights promised to citizens by the First Amendment. It is illogical and should be illegal for a public institution to prohibit the right of free speech by it's students. The reason the school exists is because of the government of the United States and it should defend the Constitution which allows it to exist. If you want a school with speech codes then pay to send your child to a school where there is a voluntary restriction on language. All speech should be protected on public grounds whether it is safe or offensive. This school has no business punishing it's students for exercising their Constitutional rights. I would feel this way if they were making moronic statements like Holocaust denial or religious affirmations. But in this case these young women are actually being reprimanded for saying and doing something heroic: celebrating sexuality.

That first paragraph was a piece of cake to write. All I had to do was bring up Constitutionality and defending freedom and shit like that but when it comes to writing about sex, I don't know even know where to begin. Of course the first thing that comes to mind is "how do I write about teenage girls and their sexuality without sounding like a creep or a pervert." People are so afraid to talk about fucking that even a guy like me who has no problem writing about damn near anything is concerned that one of my readers may think worse of me. But that's the issue at large. Our society and our world need to be even MORE sexualized than we already are. We need to feel comfortable talking about cocks and pussies and assholes with each other. We need to be comfortable fondling cocks and pussies and assholes. We need to be comfortable looking at pictures of them, licking them, and fantasizing about them. We all have some arrangement of them and it feels fucking awesome when we do things with them.

When you fuck people you get closer to them and not just spatially. You get to know them as individuals better. You learn about what turns them on and what gets them off. You get to experience a person when he or she at one of the happiest moments of his or her life. No work pressure, no taxes, just straight up enjoyment. It would be wrong to say that the only person that you should ever get to know better is the person you're married to so I think it's just as wrong to think that the only person you can experience sexual pleasure with is the person you're married to. We all have opinions on politics and religion but bullshit like that creates distance between us. We can all be brought closer together by fucking. I don't care if you voted for Bush and believe in God, I'd still fuck the hell out of you. It's true that sex is about love but it isn't just romantic love. It's about a love of life and sharing intimacy with another person. Or with lots of people. I'd rather be in a room filled with naked people than a stadium filled with people wearing the same team colors. So when these girls in this article are getting together and exploring their sexuality with each other and taking private photographs they aren't being horrible or evil or dirty (well, maybe dirty in a good way) but they are celebrating one of the most wonderful, if not THE most wonderful thing humans have to share.